- Created: 02-10-16
- Last Login: 03-07-25
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admin advertisements
Description: Lot 546 in Cornett Cove 2 is a great lot for Building your future house on! Contact Owner for Price- 314-869-2948 Shirley or 314-420-7838 Do NOT Reply to this email. **This ad is admin created. The price Listed is added by admin when a price isn’t given by the owner. It does not necessarily reflect the price the owner has in mind. Contact owner to make an offer**
Publish Date: 10-28-19
Description: Lot number 992 In Cornett Cove 5. Contact Seller for price: Jo Ellen Betts 636-928-6079 Motivated to sell since she cannot use it. Admin Posted- DO NOT CONTACT VIA EMAIL
Publish Date: 04-29-19
Description: Lot is GP2323. Owner has a dock letter that comes with property. CALL FOR PRICE. Call James for details- 636-856-0710. Do not Email
Publish Date: 11-15-18
Description: I am moving soon and am motivated to sell this lot prior to my move out west. Since my number will be changing it is best to reach me via email; [email protected] Lot is 233 Subdivision is Cornett Cove 1 I had to put a price in but willing to talk about it.
Publish Date: 09-25-18
Description: Lot for sale- Champions Run Lot 1250 Contact St. Patricks Catholic Church (John)
Publish Date: 12-14-17
Description: lot 253 in Grandpoint #2 Subdivision. GP2 253 Located In Porto Cima / Sunrise beach. Seasonal Water View. Contact: Mamie Haynes (314) 412-1176
Publish Date: 01-23-17
Description: Lot For Sale. 679 CC4 - Asking $5,000 Contact Annie Sim - [email protected]
Publish Date: 08-08-16
Description: Price: $5000 Size : 90x 200 Contact Phone: 573-216-1569 Description Lot is located on Cornett Branch Road. Contact: Ann Glynn
Publish Date: 06-03-15